
Walking for Fitness

Walking is a great way to increase your fitness level. Learn how to boost the intensity of your walks so you get the full benefits of this whole-bo…


Health Food

Knee Strengthening Exercises

Runner’s Knee. Arthritis. Bursitis. You don’t have to be an elite athlete to be affected by knee pain. Although debilitating, certain exercise techniques can provide welcome relief from…

Chicken with Berry Sauce

Bored with basic chicken? It may seem counterintuitive, but simmering chicken alongside berries produces tender meat that is further enhanced by a complex sweet sauce that’s sure to become a family…


Weight Training for Women

Many women shy away from weight training. Here, we discuss benefits, shatter myths, and provide exercises. Weight training is the key to success for any woman who wants to tone up, improve bone den…

Are you living with a hernia?

Hernias can be a very painful thing, but most people don’t know the pain can be prevented by dealing with them before they rupture. A hernia is a defect in the abdominal wall and can occur when a w…