How to Get a Flatter Belly

Eating 80/20 and hitting the gym have helped you reach your weight-loss goal, but you’re still trying to get rid of that little extra pooch around your midsection. Here are three things you c…

How to Lose Belly Fat When Running

You’ve been eating right and exercising for a while, but that stubborn belly fat just won’t budge! Along with incorporating foods that fight fat into your diet, here are some ways to bu…

Tip to Stop Emotional Eating

I cry-eat more often than I want to admit. Stressful day at work? Chinese takeout it is! Fight with the boyfriend? Yes, I’ll have a second maragarita! I’m not alone in this. Many nutrit…

What Is the Paleo Diet Like?

Over the years, I’ve allowed myself to be a guinea pig when it comes to diet trends; I’ve gone pescatarian, vegetarian, vegan, and most recently, Paleo. Based on the dietary habits of o…

How to Lose Weight Without Trying

Losing weight takes a lot of sweat and discipline, but even when you’re not powering through a treadmill interval workout or counting calories, there are a lot of simpler ways to see those po…

Low-Carb Diets and Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight, what’s on your plate is often more important than the minutes you spend in the gym. And if you want to see the most change, a 2015 study from Harvard says you shou…

Why Can't I Lose Weight?

Whether it’s the Freshman 15, breakup weight, baby weight, or can’t-stay-away-from-the-dessert-cart weight, losing those extra pounds is not as easy as putting them on. It doesn’t…